Christian leadership does not demand or require secular Employee or Employer relationship model, In fact it requires Christ defined Servant and Servant hood model.
The only Boss in picture is Christ and we all are disciples who follow Him in His footsteps in serving others.
Jesus Christ defined servants/disciples and never leaders anywhere and any servant of God who claims to be Humble and serving God's people must be careful not to thrust this idea of worldly leadership unto the congregation and demand any sort of personal respect or favors. A worthy servant (not leader) will surely get His own well deserved respect first from the God Himself and then from God's people also for sure.
Remember Respect and Accolades of people may not guarantee the respect from God as well. Every Servant of God must take time to reflect to probe if his/her modus operandi follows genuine Christ centered biblical pattern of servant-hood or man made leadership formats and formulas.
So the captain came to him, and said to him, "What do you mean, sleeper? Arise, call on your God; perhaps your God will consider us, so that we may not perish." - Jonah 1:6
When nation perishes in moral depravity, natural calamities and people at large are in great turmoil then God's children can't afford to be slack in their Social, Moral and Spiritual responsibilities. Christians should Pray and Endeavor to make sure that God and even nations, should Not ask us one day "Why were you sleeping when you should have been standing in the gap?"
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out all fear..." - 1 John 4:18
The part of the problem why most contemporary Christians still Fear and get anxious by things around them is because their Love for God is still not perfected.
This may be alright as long as we Christians strive hard enough with every life experience to grow in our Love for our God and Trust him more deeply.
There is great need to remind ourselves daily that God has not given us the Spirit of Fear but of Power, Love and Self-Control [2 Timothy 1:7]
We all need to "Grow Through" by what we "Go Through" ...
"Why would we want Fame, when God promises us Glory? Why would we be seeking the wealth of the world when the wealth of heaven is ours? Why would we run for a crown that will perish with time, when we're called to win a crown that is imperishable?" - Paul Washer
Those who serve the living God must take care not to do things that they do in order to get the reward of human fame (John 12:43) because then they will miss the reward of God in their lives. Even our Christ seemed to be more concerned about this than many other things. (Matthew 6)
"If Christian leaders and believers alike can make their attitude godly toward Money and Fame then there is nothing that can stop them in aligning rest of their lives completely with the will of God." -ST
(Hebrews 13:5, John 12:43, Proverbs 25:27)
If serving the Lord just becomes a vain endeavor of ticking boxes against the projects we undertake in name of building the kingdom of God, rather than focusing on winning the lost souls and equally importantly sustaining the saved ones till the end, then sadly one day our failures to meet the accountability towards God's people will find us hangdog and shamefaced before our God.
-Santosh Thankachan
If in Christian circles Money starts uniting people more than the Love of God then that's the sure sign of drifted Trust from our God towards the World.
Whom do we serve God or Mammon (Matthew 6:24)?
Prophecy is not about declaring the words of blessing and sharing soothing words to please men. But instead prophecy is to see things in black and white through God's Holy Spirit and sharing boldly with others for their honest edification. The overall motive of any prophetical office is not to stop people from leaving the churches but to encourage them to genuinely repent of their personal Sins, assert spiritual discipline and avoid getting ultimately Driven Out from the Presence of God.
-Santosh Thankachan
When after celebrating the Glory of the Grace of God we find way too much self congratulatory glory taking by a person who seem to need "More Acclaim" than he actually deserve and if there is way too self referencing involved in one's Christian ministry, then that can be indisputable sign of one's failing to recognize his Bias and own Spiritual Blindness. Such a person can never be Right or Honest with God no matter what he claims. One will be tempted to be less than honest about what's really going on in his heart and ministry.
In the light of above premise we have to understand that the underlying danger is if one is too caught up in searching his own will then he will never find the secret of discovering God's divine will.
-Santosh Thankachan
A man's character is like a fence. It cannot be strengthened by whitewash
Just like a Fence cannot be made stronger by mere whitewashing it, the character of a Christian cannot be made stronger by mere whitewashing it outwardly with Christian doctrines and teachings. A Christian's character must be Rooted, Built and Established in Faith on Christ (Colossians 2:7) and must be inspired by sincere and selfless Love for each other (John 15:12)
Its easy to wake up a person who is sleeping but its hard to wake up someone who is pretending to be asleep. - Santosh Thankachan
The dilemma of Christianity is not only that, it lacks Sheep who know their Bibles well, but also that it has plenteous Shepherds who know the Bible Front and Back, but fail to live the life that they recite so easily to others.
-Santosh Thankachan
Children generally has an inherent inclination to Act and Think immaturely and its only the parental discipline that can help a child get rid of his/her follies (Proverbs 22:15). When parents bow down to ill-timed spiritual decisions of children, they are taking huge risks that 'May' result in Moral Apostasy and irreversible Spiritual collapse which not only impact the lives of Children but also the Family as a whole. Parents must understand that their moral obligation is not only to teach their children to Count but also to teach what 'Ultimately Counts in Life'.
In the presence of God, an outcome of Subtle Wickedness is same as the flagitious ones. It does not matter who does it, but if it hurts God's Holy Spirit and God's children, it surely invites God's wrath.
The challenge for us Christians is to find out the subtle ones (like James 2:9, Proverbs 27:2, Proverbs 20:10 ...) that often go unnoticed and has hurt others but may invite God's anger if not Repented instantly.
Today Enemy is deceiving Christians to an extent that even "God's approval" is being replaced by the "Accolades of crowd", "Number of twitter followers" and "Number of likes" that one gets on His profile picture, online messages or even songs they sing. Its sad that many neglect the severe scriptural cautions given in 2 Timothy 3:2-4 that "People will be lovers of themselves ... lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.".
Its really disappointing to see how Satan is able to deceive God's people through subtle tools like Facebook, twitter, Instagram etc. to showcase their own "Love of Self" with "Rest of the World", sometimes even in the pretext of "doing God's work". Its high time for every Christian to honestly evaluate, if these tools are paralyzing one's Godly character and Testimony in Christ.
Lets be prayerful and prudent enough to hide from every spiritual dangers (Proverbs 22:3) that awaits us during these End Times.
- Santosh Thankachan
Christians are learning to be shrewd enough in
Rejecting God's commandments, Being part of every
Worldly wickedness and then feigning to attribute
every Worldly success as God given to show
their allegiance to Christian Faith.
"If we say we have fellowship with Him while we walk
in darkness, we lie and do not practice the Truth." - 1John 1:6
Repent for the Kingdom of God is Near !!
-Santosh Thankachan
Every time we Christians boasts about our 'Spiritual Achievements' without giving Glory to God we demolish our accumulated spiritual work (1 Corinthians 3:13) with our own hands and we have to literally start building from scratch again. It should not surprise us Christians when on judgement day, we find that there is no work left from our side to be tested and be duly rewarded (1 Corinthians 3:14) due to our own arrogant boasting and belittling of fellow human beings through superfluous spiritual comparisons.
-Santosh Thankachan
"Taking pride in being on a Church Roll but never zealous enough to take any Role for Kingdom of God, may keep your membership in Church register only and it won't be transferred to 'The Book of Life' of the Lamb."
- Santosh Thankachan
"A genuine Christian with a heart empty of all wickedness and filled with Christ's Love should be able to achieve any spiritual goals for the glory of God." - Santosh Thankachan
Dilemma of a Modern Christian:
We know enough Word to make us Argumentative
but not enough to help ourself change.
We have enough Knowledge to make us Religious
but not enough to make us Godly.
We have enough Reasons for being critical about others
but never enough to be Compassionate.
We have enough Wisdom to say that we are Right
but never enough to Say "God I'm Sorry".
We have enough Friends who leads us astray
but never enough who builds us Spiritually.
We have enough Talents to score point over others
but never enough to Serve one another.
We have enough Achievements to fill ourselves with Self-Glory
but not enough to make us Holy.
We have enough Time to attend all our Needs
but never enough to Seek God in Worship.
God please help us to have enough
but plenteous enough to 'Please You' in all the ways of our Life.
- Santosh Thankachan
When we become strangely silent on increasing interference of Worldly norms into Church culture and don't address it Prayerfully, Wisely and in God's Love then it will soon become a deadly snare in which not only ourselves but we will find our coming generations as well brutally trapped and suffering. -Santosh Thankachan
We are eager to teach our children to go in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6) but sometimes so much unwilling to go that way first.
-Santosh Thankachan
Hope Thrives When Prayer Strives. - Santosh Thankachan
A Christian when opts to beg emotionally to others, disappoints the Almighty God in atleast 3 ways:
1. By Denying the Power of God to Provide for their lives (2 Timothy 3:5, Titus 1:16)
2. By still being Immature to handle Life's crisis (1 Corinthians 13:11, James 1:2-4)
3. By setting a poor example of Faith and Trust on God (Psalm 78:40-42, Psalms 34:8,9). The difference between Emotional pleading and asking a Fellow christian to Pray is that Former belittles our God who Provides (Jehovah Jireh) while the Latter Glorifies our God Who is Enough (El Shaddai).
- Santosh Thankachan
"Believers if opt to practice Favouritism will fail miserably to build a relationship of Mutual Trust and True Respect for themselves."
“And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by Prayer and Fasting." -Mark 9:29
seems like many times we miss the whole essence of Fasting and Prayer,
perhaps because we have started to become comfortable with "This Kind"
-Santosh Thankachan
A Christian must be careful not to become a manipulator of people in any way and must always be aware of one around him.
You can be classified as a 'Manipulator' when you are using someone for just fulfilling your own selfish goals even though you have no real
liking for the person. On the other hand you can be easily controlled by a 'Manipulator' if you are an "Approval Addict",
as for a manipulator its just a couple of step process to control you: Give what you are dying for (i.e. a false admiration) and then quietly threaten you to take it away.
- Never Judged a person by his/her appearance [Mark 10:46-51]
- Never Looked down with disdain on someone just because
that person does not come to His church [John 4:1-26]
that person does not come to His church [John 4:1-26]
- Never kept back his miracle of Healing, just because the person
does not belonged to His own community [Matthew 15:25-28]
does not belonged to His own community [Matthew 15:25-28]
- Shared His Love and Grace with both poor [Luke 14:13] and rich equally [Mark 10:21]
- Chose to Forgive even those whom 'His chosen ones' looks down with contempt. [Luke 7:36-50]
- Proclaim the Truth about Gospel to a lost soul even if there is
no one to acknowledge Him publicly [John 3:1-3]
no one to acknowledge Him publicly [John 3:1-3]
- Preferred to keep quiet even if He was 'wrongly accused'. [Matthew 27:12]
- Who ranks the Giver on the basis if his/her Intent of giving
and not just Extent of giving [Luke 21:1-4]
and not just Extent of giving [Luke 21:1-4]
- Chose to empty His pockets and desist resources available to Him,
so that He can teach to Serve First [John 13:14] and lead later.
so that He can teach to Serve First [John 13:14] and lead later.
- Eagerly listened to the one who came asking for help and delivered them from
their issues rather than opening His book of sorrows and
issues to make them feel awkward and ignored. [Mark 7:31-37]
their issues rather than opening His book of sorrows and
issues to make them feel awkward and ignored. [Mark 7:31-37]
...Its a shame that it is we Christians, who at times Disappoint our Christ and Dishonor His name by acting just opposite to His nature and character in our lives.
"World is not disappointed by Christianity, its tired of, us Christians."