Monday, August 2, 2021

A Slice of Manna - August 2021



A Slice of Manna         1-August-2021

“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

अपनऊपर उठो; और ो; ोंि ैं नम और मन ें ूं: और अपनमन ें ि ओगे।”

- Matthew 11:29

Yoke signifies subjection and when someone is described as being yoked to someone or something, it basically communicates the idea that he or she was in submission to that person or thing. We can see that in contrast to the heavy burden of Laws and Jewish legalism Jesus calls for an open, free, and loyal relationship with Him and the Father God in heaven. This is signified by the words of Jesus “Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls. (Matthew 11:28). Jesus encourages us to take His yoke upon us which demands a genuine and honest relationship with Him today. His yoke is wholesome, useful, good, not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but rather comfortable, gracious, and pleasant, and His burden is light and easy to be borne (Matthew 11:30). When we are under the Yoke of World and Enemy then it will surely be harsh and heavy (Check the complaint made by Israel to Rehoboam son of Solomon in 1 Kings 12:4). When Christians bind themselves together with unbelievers in contractual or covenantal agreements, they are shouldering one side of a yoke (2 Corinthians 6:14-16). The World will oppress us with Yoke that drains us out eventually, but the Yoke of Jesus refreshes our souls.

If we are willing today then our Lord Jesus will release us from the yoke of oppression of this world. Many of us may also wonder why do we need a Yoke at all whether of this world or Jesus? The answer is if we are not willing to put the yoke of Christ on us the Enemy will put his yoke on us (yes even without our consent too). Either we are subject to learn the ways of Christ and resolve to obey Him alone (means put His yoke and carry His burden) or the enemy will make sure to teach us his ways and lead us into greater oppression of our souls leading to sin and rebellion against our creator. The yoke of Jesus is also a symbol of discipleship. In a yoke of oxen generally, to train a younger ox, it is yoked with an older ox. During the work, it is the older (experienced) Ox that leads and the younger follows and eventually gets trained. In the same way, when we are yoked with Jesus, we learn from Him and become better disciples. Jesus shares our burden and when the work is over, we enjoy the rest and peace with our Lord Jesus too. How comforting at times, it is to know that when we are yoked with our Jesus, we don’t have to figure out solutions to our life problems as Jesus leads the way and we just need to Obey Him and Follow Him. For He himself has said, He will never leave you or abandon you (Hebrews 13:5). Being alone in this world without Jesus in our hearts is an open invitation to the Enemy to come and enslave us again (Matthew 12:43-45). Do you feel you are heavy-laden today? Are you willing to come to Jesus and take His yoke upon you? Believe that our Rest and Peace is only under His yoke alone.

“What can be lighter than a burden which takes our burdens away, and a yoke which bears up the bearer himself?” - Bernard of Clairvaux

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         2-August-2021

“These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.”

िसलयहिोंभलऔर उनोंबड़ी लसवचन रहण िा, और रति ि पवि ों ें ूंरहि ें ों ैं, ि नहीं।”

- Acts 17:11

When it comes to receiving the word of God one must be fair-minded means just, impartial, and not prejudiced at all. No wonder when Gospel is shared, and the Word of God is preached many reject it based on their prenotions and learnings that they are not ready to unlearn. In the process, they not only miss to understand the Truth of the Word of God but also put at risk their eternity as well. We see that Paul and Silas reached Berea they went to the synagogue there and shared the word with the Jews there. These Jews did not have a closed mind for they received the word with all readiness. At the same time, these Jews were not gullible or naive too for they searched the scriptures daily. Now, this is a very unique thing mentioned about the believers at Berea which is not recorded about anyone in the bible any. Being awake in spirit and active in discerning the word of God that we hear is the key for us not to get deceived in these end times. Apostle John says “Beloved, do not put faith in every spirit, but prove (test) the spirits to discover whether they proceed from God; for many false prophets have gone forth into the world” (1 John 4:1). Apostle Paul says that “Watch out, so that no one will take you captive by means of philosophy and empty deceit, following human tradition which accords with the elemental spirits of the world but does not accord with the Messiah.” (Colossians 2:8).

Many of the deceptions in today’s times begins with subtle human philosophies which are very soothing to hear but in principle are not aligning with the word of God at all. Philosophies such as the art of positive thinking, you name it and receive it, God always gives you what you want, Prosperity Gospel (not rooted in a scriptural model of prosperity), etc. are some of the very few examples of how today’s modern preachers deceive us. To add to it many will cherry-pick scriptures as well to prove their philosophies. To avoid fatal deception, open the scriptures and verify if it’s really so in the word of God. Everyone tends to interpret the scriptures in the way that seems convenient to them rather than pausing on it and asking the Holy Spirit to teach the truth from that. Also, if the Holy Spirit teaches us then it will always strongly convict us on that scripture and provide a divine grace to obey it as well. Word of God is not merely to listen and feel good about it but it must be obeyed (James 1:22-25) and used for the transformation of our hearts and lives (Romans 12:2). World and its philosophies will only teach us to compromise with the Truth and will always endorse all kinds of sins such as lies, falsehood, swearing, unholiness, relational compromises like adultery, fornication, living relationships, same-sex marriage, social evils like abortion, prostitution, etc. and if there is anything that can tell you the truth about these evils then it is the “Word of God”. We must be ready to search the scriptures every day or else be ready to fall into temptations of the enemy every day. We should imitate the Bereans by faithfully studying God’s Word daily, discussing it, and testing the messages that we hear. Did you search the scriptures today?

“In general, He guides and directs His people, affording them, in answer to prayer, the light of His Holy Spirit, which enables them to understand and to love the Scriptures.”

- John Newton

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         3-August-2021

“But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.”

और इन सब ऊपर िधतकटिबन ो।”

- Colossians 3:14

“Put on Love” means from the core of our being, apostle Paul says we must put on tenderness, be merciful, humble, patient, and forgiving in all relationships. These qualities are only possible for those who are “Elect of God” (Colossians 3:12) means those who are born in Christ as only they alone will be truly able to manifest the “Fruits” of the Holy Spirit. “Forgiving one another” is not an easy notion and can be one of the most challenging and most hard things to do when we are struggling in our emotional life. Biblical Forgiveness demands to show unconditional kindness and forgive others freely without any pre-or post-conditions. The root of the word Forgiving (charizomai) comes from Charis which means Grace. Grace means getting something that we don’t deserve. Our God in His divine Grace granted all of us “His Forgiveness through His son Jesus Christ” which we did not deserve. Forgiveness also means Reconciliation in which one person releases other from an offense. This forgiveness is only possible through Christ who forgave us (Luke 23:34, Colossians 1:14) and many still struggle to forgive others and be reconciled just because of a very simple reason that we don’t have Christ truly in our hearts and our lives yet. True Forgiveness releases one from a sense of unresolved guilt, restores a clear conscience, and ultimately restores the broken relationships.

After Paul says (Colossians 3:12,13) to Put on Tender mercies, Put on Kindness, Put on Humbleness of mind, Put on Meekness, Put on Long-suffering, Put on Forbearance, Put on Forgiveness then Finally Paul says “Put on Love”. This is the most important of the Christian virtues, and it acts like a “girdle” that ties all the other virtues together. In 1 Corinthians 13, Love is the first of the fruit of the Spirit and the other virtues follow. When love rules in our lives, it unites all these spiritual virtues so that there is beauty and harmony, indicating spiritual maturity. Love makes it easy to forgive and Love makes it easy to be reconciled again with our loved ones. Both Forgiveness and Love are a Choice. It’s a decision to no longer hold an offense against others and Love others irrespective of whether they love us back or not. Jesus said, “Love one another; as I have loved you” (John 13:34, 35). Jesus loved us even when we did not love Him, He loved us even when we crucified Him, He loved us even though we chose to leave Him many times. Jesus loved us, the most wretched and unworthy people so much that He chose to give His life for us on the cross. Do we choose to Love others today? Are we ready to Forgive others irrespective of what is the offense and who has offended us? Remember, on this side of eternity none of us are always Right or always Wrong. We are not perfect and let’s give others the grace too as they are not perfect either. Let us continue to bear with each other, Forgive each other and make sure we go the extra mile to reconcile our broken relationships today.

“The voice of sin is loud, but the voice of Forgiveness is louder” - D.L. Moody

Have a Blessed day with God !!
In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         4-August-2021

“Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” "

तब पतरस आकर, उस कहा, रभु, यदि अपर करतरहे, ैं ितन उसषमकरूं, तक?”

- Matthew 18:21

If for a few of us asking for forgiveness is a mammoth challenge then for few forgiving others is a tough ask. In any conflict it’s always the person who is willing to take the first step to bring restoration and healing in the relationship will be definitely counted as worthy for more grace. We must strive hard to pursue with enthusiasm the things which make for peace and the building up of one another and things which lead to the spiritual growth of others (Romans 14:19). One of the enemy’s greatest weapons is Ego that hinders any path of reconciliation with loved ones. Bible says a man’s pride and sense of self-importance will bring him down, but he who has a humble spirit will obtain honor. (Proverbs 29:23).

In the parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35) to Peter’s question “Lord, how often shall I forgive my brother” (or others) Jesus answered you must forgive them more than seven times. You must continue to forgive them even if they do wrong to you seventy-seven times (as some other versions read 490 times) (Matthew 18:22). But who can practically keep count for that many offenses? And that was exactly the point Jesus was making: True Love “keeps no record of wrongs” (1 Corinthians 13:5). It was not a principle of keeping the count of how many times you forgot but the mystery is by the time we have forgiven others that many times, we are in the habit of forgiving. Also, it must not be mere casual forgiveness but rather it should be based on biblical principle our Lord shared in Matthew 18:15-20. Unless humility and honesty result in forgiveness, relationships can never be mended, strengthened, or restored to their original beauty. Are you willing to take the first step and ask for Forgiveness? Are you ready to forgive others today? The atmosphere of Love, Joy, and Peace is only possible where two forgivers meet and dwell together.

“I believe that as often as I transgress, God is more ready to forgive me than I am ready to offend.” - Charles Spurgeon

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         5-August-2021

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         6-August-2021

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         7-August-2021

“Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.”

धन वह इस भवियदवचन पढै, और नतैं और इस ें ि ों नतैं, ोंि समय िकट आयै॥”

- Revelation 1:3

In Matthew 5-7 our Lord Jesus gave beatitudes that teach us that children of God are blessed even in hard times because they will receive an eternity in heaven. Also, they are blessed for having Godly qualities such as being meek, righteous, merciful, pure, and peacemakers. In Revelation also after this first beatitude “Blessed is he who reads, hear and keep the words of the prophecy”, there are roughly six more beatitudes that are “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on” (Revelation 14:13), “Blessed is he who watches” (Revelation 16:15), “Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!” (Revelation 19:9), “Blessed and holy is he who has a part in the first resurrection” (Revelation 20:6), “Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book” (revelation 22:7) and “Blessed are those who do His commandments” (revelation 22:14). The only expectation of this reading and hearing of scriptures is “to obey the words of Prophecy”.

The fact that time is near is an urgent call to unconditional Obedience to the words of God. In Obedience we must understand that there is no workaround, there is no compromise, no shortcuts and there is absolutely no dilution to the Word of God. Psalmist says, “I made haste and delayed not to keep Your commandments” (Psalms 119:60). What hinders you from obeying the Lord and His Word today? God’s blessings are only for those who Obey and not for those who find the reasons and excuses for not obeying what is hard or uncomfortable for them to obey and follow. The coming of the Lord is very close, and “WE” all must repent and humble ourselves before God. It is time that the judgment begins from the household of God. But if it begins first from us, what will be the outcome of the ones disobeying the good news of God? (1 Peter 4:17). It is not time to see or judge what others are doing or not doing but rather let “He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” (Revelation 22:11-12). Did you read what is written in the word of God, did you hear what God is speaking to you today? Are you willing to Obey God without putting any conditions?

“The condition of an enlightened mind is a surrendered heart… If a man in his heart is right with God, God will deal with the problem.” - Alan Redpath

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         8-August-2021

“Learn to do good; seek justice, make straight the oppression, give justice to the fatherless, defend the widow.”

भल करनो; यत करो, उपदरवो; अन , िधवकददमलड़ो।”

- Isaiah 1:17

Looking at the content and intent of the life of a good person and something that is also concluded by prophets of the Old testament including prophet Isaiah is mostly around what a good person does with his or her time and resources. We may ignore it most of the time but there is a great truth to the fact that part of the spiritual journey we commit to as Christians must include caring for and defending the helpless. As a Christian, we all must endeavour to speak for those who cannot speak, for the causes of all who are perishing and we need to speak out and judge by the measure of what is right and plead the cause of poor and needy people (Proverbs 31:8, 9).

Sometimes the most disgusting feature of rebellious people is that they are religious people too who attend worship and even bring multitudes of sacrifices to the Lord but, their hearts are far away from Lord and hence their worship becomes hypocritical (Isaiah 1:10-15). Apostle James says, Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world (James 1:27). Our Love for God is manifested in how we love others as anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen (1 John 4:20). God does not only stop with the diagnosis of our problems but also gives us the prescription for our deliverance because He always wants us to become His righteous children who showcase His character and heart to others who are perishing. One of the ways we all can manifest the true love of God to others is by learning to do good, treating everyone fairly, correcting oppression (or rebuking the oppressor); bringing justice to the fatherless/orphans, and standing up o speaking up for the rights of widows. What part of our lives have we dedicated to help and serve others? Do we serve others out of love or out of duty? Do others remember you as a good person?

“A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.” - Charles Spurgeon

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         9-August-2021

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

तब यदि रज कहलैं, कर थनकरें और दरशन कर अपन िें, ैं वर ें कर उनक षमकरूंऔर उनक ों ों कर ूंा।”

- 2 Chronicles 7:14

Revival whether in personal spiritual life or in the church, City and nation is only possible when its prayed for in accordance with the Word and Will of God. This prayer which follows the dedicatory prayer of Solomon for the Temple, reveals a very great truth about a very specific way of God’s chosen and desired restoration in the life of His people. The first principle is we need to “Humble ourselves” rather than God Humbling ourselves. Brokenness leads to genuine revival. We generally try everything else first new buildings, new campaigns, new methods, but God is waiting for Repentance and Humiliation. Next, we need to Pray for the fuller and complete revelation of God’s glory to His people which is basically “seeking His face”. This is a lifelong process and every day we get a newer and a better revelation of our God as we pray to God. Thirdly, we must be ready to turn unconditionally from everything that goes against the will of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We need to turn ourselves away from the world and towards Word if we really want to avoid the wider paths of sin that lead to destruction (Matthew 7:13, 14). Every Christian must turn away from every worldly ambition rooted in self-glory or self-aggrandizement. Once we can do these three things then God in His mercy will do three things in our lives. God will hear this prayer (which is rooted in brokenness and genuine humility). He will cleanse us from our sins and then He will bring visible and long-lasting healing where it is needed which is for the Church, for the nation, and for the people too. If we are to have revival in the Lord’s work, we must begin with cleansing. Where are we lacking today? Is it in our humbling ourselves or is it in our prayer life or is it in our seeking God sincerely daily in our lives? Whatever it is, let us make sure to remember how far we have fallen; repent, and do the works we did at first. Otherwise, God will come to us and remove our lampstand from its place, unless we repent (Revelation 2:5).

“We must continue in prayer if we are to get an outpouring of the Spirit. Christ says there are some things we shall not get, unless we pray and fast, yes, “prayer and fasting.” We must control the flesh and abstain from whatever hinders direct fellowship with God.”

- Andrew Bonar

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         10-August-2021

“For thus says the Lord to the house of Israel: “Seek Me and live” "

यहा, इसएल घरों कहतै, ें लगो, तब ि रहे।”

- Amos 5:4

Prophet Amos laments over Israel that the virgin of Israel has fallen. She will not get up anymore. She was left alone, lying in the dirt. There is no one to lift her up (Amos 5:2). His lament was followed by an immediate and urgent call to repentance before God. Listen to what the God of Israel says, “If you seek me, you will survive”. The need of this hour in our lives as well is to seek God and not the sanctuaries. If we turn to God with all our hearts, then there is a chance for us to live. Seeking God is a sure alternative instead to be judged by God one day. Psalms 27:8 says You (God) have said, “Seek my face”. My heart says to you, “Your face, Lord, do I seek”. Seeking God’s face means inquiring for and desiring for the presence of God as if it’s critical for our physical and spiritual survival. The phrase “Seek the Lord!” is found more than thirty times in the scriptures and if it is applied to Israel in old days then it’s more important for God’s children today as well.

What does it mean to “seek the Lord”? The prophet Isaiah answers the question, Seek the Lord while He may be found; Call on Him for salvation while He is near. (Isaiah 55:6,7). To seek the Lord means firstly to change our thinking and abandon every vain thought that is directing our wayward and ungodly lives. Remember when we do indeed return to the Lord, we also change our directions: we “Turn around” and start to move in the right direction towards our God. It means forsaking our sins and turning deliberately towards the Lord for His mercy and pardon. To seek the Lord means to loathe and despise the sin in our lives, turn from it, and seek the fellowship of God and His cleansing. Bible says, “It is a broken spirit filled with remorse and penitence God wants. A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not ignore” (Psalms 51:17). We must seek God every day (Psalm 63:1) and we must seek our God early in life situations we encounter. Don’t wait until circumstances have blown up into a huge crisis before you seek the Lord. Seek His face when you develop new relationships with others, Seek Him early when making crucial life decisions that impact your career, family life, and spiritual standing with God. Seek Him before you make any plans. Did you seek God today? Are you setting the right example for the next generation when it comes to teaching them “How to seek God?”. Do you desire to seek God more today than yesterday? If you seek God today, He will hear you from heaven and will deliver you from all your fears (Psalm 34:4)

“In all things seek to know God’s Will and when known obey at any cost.”

- Jonathan Goforth

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         11-August-2021

“For I know that my Redeemer lives, And He shall stand at last on the earth;”

िचय ै, ि ़ाि ै, और वह अन ें पर खड़ा ा।”

- Job 19:25

The complete meaning of redemption revolves around two basic facts. Firstly, Redemption is recovering what was lost and hope of its restoration is far gone. Secondly, Redemption is releasing something which is in bondage. When we look at God as Redeemer, we can see the extent of His redemptive work in our lives which includes recovery of missed opportunities (Spiritual/Professional/Family) and restoration of every broken relationship. The breadth and length of this redemptive work in our lives can be massive. God is the redeemer of everything for which we had lost hope in the past. His redemptive work in us makes sure that our final destiny in Him is not lost. Now that is very encouraging to know that His grace will keep us in His will and His plan even if sometimes God must chasten us severely (Job 5:17). This is the confidence that Job speaks about “I know that my Redeemer lives. And in the end, he will come to show that I am right” (Job 19:25).

The second aspect of Redemption is seen when God liberates us from the bondage of sin. To free someone from Sin requires a payment to be made. A payment that required The Cross. Our Lord Jesus has used this idea of redemption when He said “…He hath sent me to proclaim release to the captives…” (Luke 4:18). It is not hard to understand that to keep the integrity of God’s Word, the Cross was the only way the entire mankind could be saved (redeemed) and making sure that God’s moral Law is still upheld. In Jesus, we have redemption (our deliverance and salvation) through His blood, (which paid the penalty for our sin and resulted in) the forgiveness and complete pardon of our sin, in accordance with the riches of His grace. (Ephesians 1:7). Just like Job affirmed that even after his mortal skin is destroyed by death, yet from his immortal flesh he will see God, (Job 19:26). Do we believe that one day even if we die, we will see our God, our redeemer? (John 11:25-26) Did not Jesus said if we would believe we would see the glory of God (John 11:40)? Fear not, for He has redeemed you; He has called you by your name. You are His. (Isaiah 43:1)

“The more clearly we see the infinite chasm between God’s glory and our sinful falling short thereof, the greater will be our appreciation of His grace and love in bridging that gulf to redeem us.” - Dave Hunt

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         12-August-2021

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         13-August-2021

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         14-August-2021

“Whatever you do, work from the soul as to the Lord and not as to people.”

और करतो, तन मन करो, यह समझकर ि मनों िनहीं परनरभिकरतो।”

- Colossians 3:23

Apostle Paul gives some very critical principles that drive a Christian home pertaining to the relationship between husband and wife, parents and children, master and servants (Colossians 3:18-22). The important thing to note here is that apostle Paul was focusing more on the duties of household members and not on their rights. If we carefully observe apostle Paul introduces Christ as the new goal and dynamic of the Christian’s life and overall behavior. This Christian can be a husband, a wife, children, master, or servant. Each one of these entities when they “Live and Behave like Christ” then apostle Paul argues there will be a genuine harmony, true satisfaction, and complete peace in every relationship we can think of.

Paul says, “Whatever work you do, put yourself into it, as those who are serving not merely other people, but the Lord.”. Now “Whatever” includes any and all contexts. If it includes our serving our secular employers and it can be even be taken or applied to serving our God our Master in a much deeper spiritual context. Every disappointment, failure, and at times not getting the desired outcome of our efforts in our secular workplace and even in our spiritual ministry can be undoubtedly attributed to our not putting whole-hearted and Christ-Centered efforts. Yes, you read it right, “Christ-Centered”. There is a mystery in between the lines here which is “as if serving the Lord”, which means our efforts must be wholehearted and must be only intended to Glorify our God ultimately even in our secular jobs. If we try to steal the glory of God in any way, we will be left miserable even after putting much hard work towards our tasks because we will not see God blessing our efforts and endeavors. We Christians are to work “heartily,” for which the Greek phrase is “Ek Psyches”, meaning “From the soul”. A Christian servant owes his/her complete obedience to their master (earthly and Heavenly God) as a ministry to the Lord Himself. Demonstrating a good work attitude makes a tremendous difference in one’s personal life and in our influence on others as well. Single hearts and sincere hearts were necessary for Christian servants to please God and serve their masters acceptably. These instructions emphasized the positive side of obedience. Do we serve others heartily? Do we give our best in our workplaces and even in our Spiritual Field of work? What drives our efforts in every arena? Is it Self-Glory, Money, or Fame or is it glorifying our Lord through our service?

“It is our best work that God wants, not the dregs of our exhaustion. I think he must prefer quality to quantity.” - George Macdonald

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         15-August-2021

“The Lord has done great things for us, And we are glad.”

यहहम बड़े बड़े ि ैं; और इस हम आननि ैं॥”

- Psalm 126:3

When we evaluate our lives truly we must be able to answer ourselves honestly, what brings true joy in our hearts and what exactly cheers us up. In the lives of Jews when they returned from captivity and returned to their own land, it brought great joy in their hearts. The whole Psalms 126 is a gleeful song that refers to the return of the Jews from their Babylonian captivity that lasted around 70 odd years (Ezra 1:1-3). The overwhelming joy of coming home was like a pleasant dream (Psalms 126:1), like refreshing water of the streams in the desert (Psalms 126:4), and like the joy of harvest time that is celebrated. Psalmist David says “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.” (Psalm 122:1). Does going in the house of the Lord fills our hearts with joy?

The one who was in bondage and is now redeemed says “The Lord has done great things for us, and we ·are very glad” (Psalm 126:3). What makes us glad today? Joy received by any worldly pleasures will soon perish but when God fills our heart with His joy it will remain. Isn’t it amazing to see that “The hope of the righteous will be gladness” (Proverbs 10:28)? Whatever life has brought to us thus far, one thing is for sure for the children of God that they go forth weeping but surely, they will come back again with rejoicing (Psalm 126:6). During long years of waiting, Jews had dreamed of returning home, and now the dream had become reality. Our dreams when we give in the hands of the Lord will become a reality too. Just like Jews, in our captivity of extreme pain, struggles and tears we too may have lost our songs but when God will do a great thing in our lives, we will be truly glad and we too will shout, laugh, and sing like the Jews. Some blessings God sends suddenly, some come in the course of time, and some come as we patiently sow and weep (Psalm 126:5, James 5:7). His promise is secure that “in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Galatians 6:9). What great thing are you praying for God to do in your life today? Have you sowed in tears for that dream? Believe it that, God will do the great thing for you and you too will be glad.

“The Lord gives his people perpetual joy when they walk in obedience to Him.”

- D.L. Moody

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         16-August-2021

“He who scatters has come up before your face. Man the fort! Watch the road! Strengthen your flanks! Fortify your power mightily.”

सत करनि चढआयै। गढकर; खत कस रह; अपनकमर कस; अपनबल बढ़ा े॥”

- Nahum 2:1

Nahum whose name means “Comforter” or “Full of Comfort” focused on a single concern in this book of prophecy which is about “the fall of the city of Nineveh”. This is the same city Nineveh which believed God, repented in tears with fasting and sackcloth when Jonah preached to them (Jonah 3:5). But Nineveh returned to its old ways, became a bloody city guilty of shedding the innocent blood of other people, a city known for deceit, falsehood, treachery, and debauchery (Nahum 3:1,4). Prophet says an attempt to defend the city against her attackers will be in vain because the Lord has decreed the fall of Nineveh and the rise of Judah (Nahum 2:1-7). We must understand that though God is never quick to judge, His patience cannot forever be taken for granted.

Even if Ninevites take all the precautions they could and strengthen themselves to the utmost, it’s all going to end up in vain. The short staccato “Man the fort! Watch the road! is said with a sense of irony as Nineveh shall be besieged, because God is about to exalt his people (Judah) by taking vengeance on the enemy, whose defense, howsoever formidable, is of no avail. To Judah, it meant that Assyria was destroyed and could never again invade her land. To us who trust Christ, it means that He has completely defeated sin, death, and Satan and that we are now free to enjoy the blessings of salvation. Anything that stands against our spiritual survival we must Trust God to defeat those forces and liberate us from the bondage of those powers. Nahum calls us to serious self-examination and warns against the subtle sin of believing that life can be lived apart from the will and the ways of God. A life of worldliness and wickedness eventually will lead to isolation, not only from other people but also from God. Are you zealous to repent today (Revelation 3:19)? Are we willing to confess our sins before our God (1 John 1:9)? Don’t forget that time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand, Repent and Believe the Gospel (Mark 1:15)

“The Judge is before the door: He that cometh will come, and will not tarry: His reward is with Him.” - George Whitefield

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         17-August-2021

“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

पर यदि वह ि ें ै, हम ि ें चलें, एक सरसहभिरखतैं; और उसक हमें सब ों करतै।”

- 1 John 1:7

Apostle John affirms that God is light and fellowship with Him causes one to walk in the light and in the true fellowship with other believers. He further emphasizes that Fellowship with God calls for walking in this light of God and obeying the commandments of God (1 John 1:6, 7). Our walk in the light is the test of fellowship with God since the life of fellowship is a life that is continually cleansed from sin by the blood of Jesus. It also involves our relationship with one another which indicates a walk “in the light” is lived accountably before God and men. When we are truly walking in the light of Jesus then we don’t stumble in our daily sinful choices.

The light of Christ helps us recognize and resist the temptations of the flesh. Psalmist David says, “For You have rescued my soul from death, Yes, and my feet from stumbling, so that I may walk before God In the light of life” (Psalm 56:13). The beauty of a true fellowship with other believers is that it is defined and determined by the presence of Christ Himself (Matthew 18:20) and so it will by default ward off any demonic agenda or manifestations. If we are walking in the light, the darkness must go. If we are holding to sin, then the light goes. There is no middle ground where sin is concerned. How do Christians try to cover up their sins? By telling lies! Once one begins to lie to others, he will sooner or later lie to himself. The problem now is not deceiving others but deceiving ourselves. Many of us are still living in sin but have convinced ourselves that everything is fine in our relationship with the Lord. But there is still hope for us and others because in Him we have redemption (deliverance and salvation) through His blood, the remission (forgiveness) of our offenses (shortcomings and trespasses), in accordance with the riches and the generosity of His gracious favour (Ephesians 1:7). Are you willing to be honest with yourself today? Are you willing to be honest with others? And are you willing to be honest with God today?

“Let us not ask of the Lord deceitful riches, nor the good things of this world, nor transitory honours, but let us ask for light.” - Gregory Nazianzen

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         18-August-2021

“O Lord, correct me, but with justice; Not in Your anger, lest You bring me to nothing.”

यहा, कर, पर े; ें आकर नहीं, कहीं ऐस ि ैं ं।”

- Jeremiah 10:24

This is part of the temple sermon by Jeremiah in which he contrasts idols and the Lord. Alternatively, he condemns idols and their worshipers (Jeremiah 10:2-5, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15) but praises the sovereign Lord (Jeremiah 10:6,7,10,12,13,16). Jeremiah reminds us that objects made by the hands of men are impotent to help, for they cannot do evil or good. They must be fastened in place; they cannot speak, and they must be carried. But our God is unique and there is none like Him. One of the unique traits of our God is that He is a loving father and those whom He dearly and tenderly loves, He will tell their faults and convict and convince and reprove and chasten, discipline, and instruct them (Revelation 3:19).

A child of God must always yield to God’s program of discipline and judgment wholeheartedly. David prays “I’d rather fall into the hands of the Lord, who is very merciful” (1 Chronicles 21:13). Jeremiah too looks up and prays for mercy (Jeremiah 10:23–25). He persuaded the Lord to be merciful to His people. He asks God to remember that they are only weak humans who don’t know how to run their own lives (Jeremiah 10:23). The word “correct” (Yasar) refers to the discipline and correction necessary for moral training. Some individuals cannot be corrected by words alone and so God’s correction may involve tough measures sometimes. But Jeremiah knew if God gave them what they deserved, they would be destroyed (Jeremiah 10:24). David too resonates with this reality when he says, “He has not dealt with us according to our sins as we deserve, nor rewarded us with punishment according to our wickedness” (Psalm 103:10). How true it is in all our lives that God has not dealt with us according to our sins but rather shown us His never-ending mercies whenever we returned to Him (2 Chronicles 30:9). Do we realize that we are not consumed because of His great mercy (Nehemiah 9:31)? Do we know that He has punished us less than our iniquities deserve (Ezra 9:13)? Have you abused God’s mercies and forgiveness?

“God strikes not as an enemy, to destroy; but as a father, to correct.” - James H. Aughey

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         19-August-2021

“Return to the stronghold, You prisoners of hope. Even today I declare That I will restore double to you.”

आशधर बनिों! गढओर िो; ैं आज बतूं ि ैं बदलें ूंा।”

- Zechariah 9:12

The only stronghold for the children of God today is our Almighty God. He is our Rock and our fortress (Psalm 18:2-4). The name of the Lord was and is and will always be a strong tower for the righteous generation (Proverbs 18:10). Yes, we may be captives to many of the life struggles today including those moral challenges that still bring us to our knees, but we must not forget that even though we are captives we are not without hope (“You prisoners of hope”).

Those who are desperate and struggling must remember that there is still hope for those who hold on to Christ (a strong tower). Yes even to this day that may be times filled with tears, disappointments, and extreme distress (physical/emotional/spiritual), but God promises His people that He will give them comforts double to the sorrows they have experienced or blessings double to what God has ever bestowed upon their fathers. No doubt a sinful state is a state of bondage; it is a pit, or dungeon, in which there is no water, no comfort; and we are all by nature prisoners in this pit. But through the precious blood of our saviour Jesus Christ, many prisoners of Satan have been set at liberty from the horrible pit in which they must otherwise have perished, without hope or comfort. Our Messiah will proclaim peace one day and God will call all His exiled people (Jews) back from the many nations in which they were scattered, they will return to their “Stronghold” which is their God. If we persist in our Faith, our Love, and in our Hope in our Lord today, then we too will return to our eternal stronghold one day. We may have been terribly insulted and horribly mistreated, but now we will be greatly blessed and be joyful forever (Isaiah 61:7). Remember that the Lord our God is gracious and merciful, and He will not turn away His face from us if we return to Him (2 Chronicles 30:9). If we return to Him, then HE shall return to us (Zechariah 1:3). What holds you back from returning to your God today? Are you losing your hope in life? Remember only God can restore your health, blessings, joy, and peace truly back, and that too in double portions.

“Persistent calling upon the name of the Lord breaks through every stronghold of the devil, for nothing is impossible with God. For Christians, in these troubled times, there is simply no other way.” - Jim Cymbala

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         20-August-2021

“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.”

और हमें उसकहनि ै, वह यह ै; ि यदि हम उस इचअन ांगतैं, हमनतै।”

- 1 John 5:14

Only Children of God who walk with their Father in heaven daily can truly boast about this confidence that allows them free access and even boldness in a speech in presenting their requests to Him. Prophet Jeremiah says the person who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence indeed is the Lord, is blessed (Jeremiah 17:7). There is however a condition or criterion for our prayers to be answered. We can see in Bible the assurance of asking in Jesus’s name (John 14:13, 14; John 15:16 and John 16:23-24). Bible also talks about assurance of receiving answers when we abide in Christ and allow His words to abide in us (John 15:7), having Faith (Matthew 21:22, James 1:6) and being righteous in our Christian living and being fervent in Prayers (1 John 3:21-22, James 5:16).

But coming in this passage apostle John says that we must ask “According to His will”, which actually is a fundamental assurance in Prayer. Now we must understand that the One who abides in Christ, in whose heart the word of Christ richly abides, who always prays in the name of Jesus (means according to Jesus Character and nature) and one who is full of Faith and righteousness will never Pray contrary to the will of God in their lives. While many of us may boast that we pray a lot but it’s the need of the hour that we learn to pray according to His will and not what we want. Jesus prayed “Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.” (Mark 14:36, Luke 22:42). Even on the verge of facing His death on the cross, Jesus prayed that the will of His father be done. Remember the model prayer Jesus taught “Thy will be done” (Matthew 6:10). Besides in Prayer we must remember that God has promised to supply our needs (Philippians 4:19) - not our greed. We can determine God’s will by reading the Word, listening to the Spirit (Romans 8:26–27), and spiritually discerning the circumstances around us. Are you praying today because it makes you feel better or do, you Pray because God has commanded you to Pray? Are you sure that you are praying according to His will today?

“Prayer is a mighty instrument, not for getting man’s will done in heaven, but for getting God’s will done on earth.” - Robert Law 

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         21-August-2021

“For who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves? Is it not he who sits at the table? Yet I am among you as the One who serves.”

ोंि बड़ा ै; वह जन पर वह करतै? वह नहीं जन पर ै? पर ैं ें वक ूं।”

- Luke 22:27

It must be hard to comprehend at times, but God’s kingdom authority and the world’s system of authority are often opposites. We can see in this discourse with His disciples, Jesus redefines the meaning of greatness, reversing the value of the world. True greatness is measured in terms of service without thought of reward in any form. We can see Jesus reinforcing the principle He has just taught and declared to His disciples with the example of Himself as “One who Serves”. In Gospel according to Luke, we can see Jesus is the son of David (Luke 20:41-44), the Son of Man (Luke 5:24), and also the suffering Servant (Luke 4:17-19) who was numbered with the transgressors (Luke 22:37). Sometimes to stop or discourage any argument we don’t need wise words or beautiful exhortation but what we need is an example. We see that an argument broke out among the disciples over which one of them should be regarded as the greatest (Luke 22:24) to which Jesus revealed and addressed the problem of Worldliness in His disciples which has a capacity to render them useless for the kingdom of God.

When we are interested in promoting ourselves, it doesn’t take much to start an argument. Jesus had to explain that they were thinking like the unsaved gentiles and not like God’s children. As in all things, Jesus is our example, and He has completely reversed the measure of true greatness. True greatness means to be like Jesus, and that means being a servant to others. A servant does not argue over who is the greatest, because he knows that he is the least, and he accepts this from the hand of God. Since all Christians are to be servants, there is no reason for us to compete with one another for honors and recognition. Jesus closed this lesson on servanthood by reminding them of their future reward in the kingdom (Luke 22:28–30). If we children of God and His disciples are driven by worldly fame and honors then we are on a slippery slope of missing our heavenly rewards which is much greater and magnificent in comparison to the puny accolades and fame we get on earth. Jesus has set the example: first the cross, then the crown.

“God may allow His servant to succeed when He has disciplined him to a point where he does not need to succeed to be happy. The man who is elated by success and is cast down by failure is still a carnal man. At best his fruit will have a worm in it.” - A.W. Tozer

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         22-August-2021

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         23-August-2021

“… for I have learned by experience…”

“… ोंि ैं अनभव िै,…”

- Genesis 30:27

It was a very eye-catching phrase which many of us can easily relate to in our own lives The context of this scripture is when Rachel had borne Joseph, that Jacob said to Laban, “Send me away, that I may go to my own place and to my country”. Jacob’s request was very honest and just for he has served his father-in-law Laban (his uncle) sincerely. Not to miss that Jacob has learned it hard way that Laban was just as scheming and dishonest as his younger sister, Rebekah (mother of Jacob and Esau). At this juncture, the statement that Laban has made that he learned by experience (or by divination as some versions record it) about his own blessings which were because of Jacob’s hard work and God’s blessing upon him. The important thing is “we too have learned a lot in our lives by experience” especially in our own spiritual, family, and even professional lives.

We need to understand that Laban wasn’t interested in Jacob’s God; he was interested only in the blessings he received because of Jacob’s God. Have we “learned by our experience” till now that our God does not work on our terms, but He works in His own ways. His thoughts and His ways are different from ours (Isaiah 55:8). God is our Father who wants to have a Father-Child relationship with us and not just to be used as an ATM machine to dispense blessings and answers to prayers whenever we wish. Laban knew Jacob’s presence had brought to him the blessing of God. Hope we also remember by our experience that it was God’s presence around us that has kept us safe and spiritually and physically alive. We can still cry out to our God by His Spirit “Abba Father” (Romans 8:15). This time Jacob was prepared to deal with his father-in-law because the Lord had talked to Jacob in a dream and told him exactly what to do (Genesis 31:1-13). Have we “learned by experience” that past mistakes can only be avoided in the future if we listen to the counsel of God and obey it wholeheartedly without compromising. Many of us are still not able to overcome our failures and temptations because we turn our blind eyes and deaf ears to the Word of God and His Holy Spirit.

What have you learned from experience in your Christian life? Are you doing the things which you have learned, received, and heard from God’s Word, His Holy Spirit, and His servants (Philippians 4:9)?.

“To be proud of learning is the greatest ignorance.” - Jeremy Taylor

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         24-August-2021

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         25-August-2021

“If you remain in me, and if my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

यदि ें बनरहो, और ें ें बनरहें ाँऔर वह िएगा।”

- John 15:7

The seventh “I am” and the self-designation in this Gospel is also repeated in John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit because you can do nothing without me.”, which basically describes the nature of the relationship between Jesus and His true disciples. The fruitless branch, which does not abide in the vine (John 15:6) is ultimately destroyed. This idea applies to all pseudo-believers. Jesus said, “Every plant that my Father in heaven has not planted himself will be pulled up by the roots” (Matthew 15:13). When we abide in Christ, our Prayers are effective (John 15:7), We are able to Glorify our God truly in fruit-bearing (John 15:8), we can demonstrate our discipleship to those around us (John 15:8-10) and finally, we receive the fullness of our Joy through experiencing Christ’s own joy within us (John 15:11).

As Christians, we do not live on substitutes! The symbolism of the vine and branches is similar to that of the Head and the body: we have a living relationship to Christ and belong to Him. What does it mean to “abide”? It means to keep in fellowship with Christ so that His life can work in and through us to produce fruit. This certainly involves the Word of God and the confession of sin so that nothing hinders our communion with Him (John 15:3). It also involves obeying Him because we love Him (John 15:9-10). Do we really abide in Christ? If yes, do we find our joy and pleasure in meditating His Word, Prayer, sacrifice, and service? Believe it or not, once you have begun to cultivate this deeper communion with Christ, you will never desire to return to your old shallow life without Christ.

“Abide in Jesus, the sinless One - which means, give up all of self and its life, and dwell in God’s will and rest in His strength. This is what brings the power that does not commit sin.” - Andrew Murray

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         26-August-2021

“Now a leper came to Him, imploring Him, kneeling down to Him and saying to Him, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.”

और एक ़ी उसक आकर, उस िनती, और उसकहनटनककर, उस कहा; यदि कर सकतै।”

- Mark 1:40

We see an action-packed beginning to the Gospel of Mark in which we see our Lord Jesus in His full-time ministry doing what He came to do on this earth. He was in the midst of a tiring and trying preaching campaign. Just a day before Jesus had taught in the synagogue (Mark 1:21-34), cast out a demon (Mark 1:21-22), healing Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, (Mark 1:29-31) and healing many sick people and delivered many others from demonic possession, (Mark 1:32-34). Our Lord has set an apt example to those who are serving Him on how to keep God and His kingdom above all personal agendas and priorities. In midst of these heavy preaching sessions, a needy leper dared to interrupt Him and even managed to get a moment with the creator of this universe. He fell to His knees and begged Jesus, “You can ·heal me and make me clean if you are willing”.

This man knew that Jesus was able to heal him, but he was not sure if the Master was willing to heal him. It’s not enough to just know about Christ today but we must know for sure that He is there to help us always when we cry unto Him. Jesus had compassion for the man (Mark 1:41) and healed him. He did it with His touch and with His word. Imagine perhaps this is the first time after a long time that this leper might have someone’s loving and caring touch. Our God has made it abundantly clear that He is not willing that any sinners should perish (2 Peter 3:9) and that He is willing that all men be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). When we are unable to trust our Saviour then we are spiritually in worse condition than this leprous man physically. Just like this leprous man, are we diseased spiritually and need God’s help in getting free? Do we trust in Christ’s ability to deliver us today? Do we acknowledge our Unworthiness before the Lord? Don’t forget that Jesus Christ is still in the life-changing and soul-saving business. Let’s come and Kneel before Him today.

“Christ is never fully valued until sin is clearly seen. We must know the depth and malignity of our disease, in order to appreciate the great Physician.” - J.C. Ryle

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         27-August-2021

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         28-August-2021

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         29-August-2021

“who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.””

और कहनलगे; गलों, ों खड़े वर ओर रहो? यहु, वर पर उठिगयै, ि ि उसवर उसि वह ि आएगा॥”

- Acts 1:11

Jesus has been “ordained by God to be Judge of the living and the dead” (Acts 10:42) and will return in triumph at the end of the age (Acts 1:1). Those who will believe in Him will receive forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:21, Acts 3:19, Acts 4:12, Acts 5:31, Acts 10:43, Acts 13:38, 39) and “the gift of Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38). Those who do not believe in Him are destined for terrible things (acts 3:23). After correcting the misconceptions of disciples (Acts 1:7,8) and adjusting their perspective concerning the kingdom of God, Jesus declares that the kingdom is currently spiritual in character, international in its membership and gradual in its expansion. After He had said this, He was taken up as they were watching, and a cloud (God’s special Glory, the Shekinah, Matthew 17:5) took Him out of their sight (Acts 1:9).

Our Lord’s ascension into heaven was an important part of His ministry, for if He had not returned to the Father, He could not have sent the promised gift of the Holy Spirit (John 16:5–15). The book of Acts is the story of the disciples receiving what Jesus received in order to do what Jesus did. He is also our Advocate before the Father, forgiving us when we confess our sins (1 John 1:9-2:2). The two messengers gave the believers assurance that Jesus Christ would come again, just as He had been taken from them which basically mean that our Lord Jesus will return bodily, literally. This basically refers to His public “coming in the clouds” (Matthew 24:30; 26:64; Revelation 1:7) rather than to His coming for His church “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye” (1 Corinthians 15:51–52; 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18). “Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning; 36 and you yourselves be like men who wait for their master when he will return from the wedding, that when he comes and knocks, they may open to him immediately.” (Luke 12:34-48). What are you looking at today? Do you believe Jesus who was taken into heaven is going to return in the same manner soon? Are you Ready?

“We ought to be living as if Jesus died yesterday, rose this morning, and is coming back this afternoon.” - Adrian Rogers

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna        30-August-2021

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA

A Slice of Manna         31-August-2021

“It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.”

यहउद आशरख कर पच रहनभलै।”

- Lamentations 3:26

God did make covenants of Blessing with His people (the Judahites in the context) but those were conditional. Blatant disobedience will always mean that the pleasurable aspects of the blessings would be replaced by punishment. Judahites always think of themselves as God’s chosen race and assumed that they will always experience good things, but they forgot that sin leads to suffering. While it may be true that suffering is allowed by God when people of God disobey and forget their creator but in that suffering as well, it’s God’s intent and purpose to direct them to Him. Sufferings, Tears and Prayers make a wonderful team that makes us humble before our God, forsake the worldly pleasures and seek God truly in our lives. Just like prophet encourages the people to accept their sufferings in patience with the realization that it would end when God’s supreme will have been accomplished (Lamentations 3:26-32), we too need to realize that the best thing we can do is to wait patiently and silently for the Lord to work and accomplish His will in His time in our lives today.

The realization of God’s mercy, compassion, and faithfulness generated hope in Jeremiah’s soul, and his contemplation of trouble became a confession of faith. Because the Lord loves us, He chastens us (Hebrews 12:5–11), but He doesn’t consume us; He disciplines, but He doesn’t destroy. Just like Jeremiah contemplated the character of God, he realized that the best thing he and his people could do was to wait patiently and silently for the Lord to work and accomplish His will in His time (Lamentations 3:25–28). We too must bow before the Lord - even putting our faces in the dust - and submit to Him without complaining, knowing that in His time, He will see us through. If the Lord is “our portion” (Psalm 73:26; Psalm 142:5), then we are strengthened by that which cannot be used up or destroyed. Are we able to wait patiently when we go through hard times? Do we hold on to our Hopes on Christ, in midst of calamities?

“Consider the matter of suffering. Why does a God of love allow us to go through suffering? That’s because suffering is a part of the syllabus in our spiritual education.”

- Zac Poonen

Have a Blessed day with God !!

In Him,
Br. Santosh Thankachan
Perth, WA